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Looking worried, whats the matter. Its time to be happy

Unique Wedding Dress Refused To Luxury

What is The most perfect ? Is super expensive custom dress it? Not. "80" bride Han Xu Yu tells us that the most perfect wedding dress, hand sew the wedding dress of their own.

Money can not be called to solve the problem, maybe someone will use the money to challenge the behavior of DIY wedding, but in any case, spend vera wang evening dresses big money to purchase all, can only be regarded as goods. Bonds of friendship is priceless, no one can assess. Wedding is about a happy life event, not hastily, to spend money to "replace the heart Supporter facade", compared to hand-stitch to sew your own wedding dress, which is more meaningful to do?

If you can not answer, as Laijiang Jiang love, because love is really great, great enough to make a move had never done a woman sewing a wedding dress in the vital. In contrast, the prices are expensive, can not measure the emotional value.

Inspirational bride

Commemorate the 10 years I love DIY wedding

This is the first I've ever made clothes, not cut, there is no foundation, no plans, I only have a crazy idea. But after a while I was in her husband's repeated encouragement to rebuild. Although in the subsequent production process, non-professional tailor and designer, I also toss very hard, but fortunately there is love to do support work for 10 days, I made the most perfect wedding finally done!

As Amoy "model" Interview ruins

Seeing is necessary to hold the wedding in January next year, and my "home-made wedding," the idea for the husband feel funny and cute, making steps when he asked me, I "petrochemical" for a while ... ...

He awoke me, and I have to order a set of ideas. The first step is drawing. Although his skills is poor but the drawings are absolutely sure your favorite style. The second step is choice of materials. I am from the Internet and the major city of Amoy to the fabric organza, ice yarn, georgette (chiffon), raw silk satin, lace, satin and so thick, Taobao still spend 60 dollars to buy a mini sewing machine. The third step is to buy draping mannequin (bust models show that clothing) ... ... to this point, I encountered the first problem is that "people units" this thing, the quality is slightly better on expensive, do not look a half-length model, have more than 400 dollars.

Confusion in my mind, because my mind is unique but refused to do a luxury wedding, if buying a "mannequin" will overrun, how do I continue to own DIY dream ah?

Incidentally, when I heard of clothing market split, and there are a lot of used models. I want to see if you can even receive a second-hand pick come back. Day after work, is already more than 7 pm, her husband cross bar vertical block, I still bite the bullet and went into the ruins, the dark, I saw some "arm, thigh," buried in the earth, really scary, Ever since, I hurriedly ran away, thinking, or forget.

DIY Dream contempt by everyone

Tolerance to the weekend, I rushed to catch a big alley mall. Into the sell "mannequin" in stores, when the owner learned that a lot of DIY wedding when I have to see me with strange eyes, said: "You're not a tailor, buy it placed in the home?" I Haoshuodaishuo, finally bought a their measurements with the same a "mannequin", 80 get! Before leaving, I felt the owner of disdain.

Speaking of being ignored, I remember a small episode. Read the online production process, I need to know chalk cut cloth, the family had never purchased this kind of thing, the moment I panic, I do not know where to Amoy this thing. Eventually, I went to the nearest a tailor shop. I heard that I need to do the wedding, the shop teacher laughed at me a hammer, then put a box of yellow chalk pieces gave me, "It is a thought of one! We do not do, how can you do out? "Pro out the door, the store also throw a sarcastic man. I am very angry, but did not refute, my wedding is really out to do, I want to see the tailor, and must succeed!

Fortunately, it did not encourage her husband to give up

Do not know, do startle. Never learned a lot of sewing skills, I encountered a problem doing doing. According to the original design ideas, I want to do a bare shoulder dress, but just the upper body of the production is far too complex, on-line tutorial I talked about, lining, face have to do very fine, perfect if you want to close, in addition to Munakata to do a smooth fit, but also the installation of 12 fish in the lower back bone, very difficult.

One night, I suddenly ironing irritability fish bones, and I do not want to do it, turned around and asked her husband: "You say I do this value? Interesting?" He paused and said: "value, so you're done, we get a transparent wardrobe to put this collection together and you think, ah! If after we have a daughter, and on and she said, "This is your mother's wedding dress sewn by hand". "

I think, so we Liangbinbanbai, this thing is simply impressive. So, I continued to iron hard, never complained.

Stitch stitched, I began to remember our love. My husband and I are high school know that I am 18 years old, he was 19 years old, we love at first sight and promised regardless of illness and death, are stubbornly persists, it sounds childish, but we really do, and we fell in love for 10 years .

After graduation, our own hard work everywhere, in this era of soaring prices, we have this extraordinary young lovers do not have any material basis, our happiness, insisted came from a deep love for each other, no matter how difficult, we will go good life every step. I always say, happiness is an attitude, as long as you want to really be happy happy!

DIY wedding last night, I put the wedding dress and skirt upper body together, thus, my wedding was finally well! Although the early hours, but at the veil embroidered flowers and covered with stones of the breast, I could not sleep with excitement. I carried my wedding dress looked around, thinking: you've never done needlework, did not think you have this design talent! You should really admire you!

5 Q Daren

City Express (hereinafter referred to as "Express"): alfred angelo 7143 DIY wedding the way you think the other girl for it? Some steps will not be too difficult?

Han Xu Yu: I think anyone can trial. I even nine to five every day to work overtime, or can make clothes out of two hours, before I even touched the needle did not, the Internet search search wedding production process, all the work on their own to complete. I think, as long as the dimensions are exact, the election of the material, and no one can do, especially the special body of the girl, but also need to make their own.

Letters: You will hold the ceremony and wedding photographs when you wear this dress?

Han Xu Yu: Actually, I filmed long before DIY homecoming dress stores wedding, and later in order to rent a wedding ceremony, a simple set of clothes at every turn to get on the yuan, which is what I was thinking? I have to try to see that he is not a professional can make a wedding. Facts have proved that anyone can succeed, you have to see the intention.

Letters: This is a product you do with how long? How much money?

Han Xu Yu: I spent 10 days, count only spent 400 yuan sewing machine, either from the Internet to buy, store rent, I certainly have not made this cheap, commemorative value.

Letters: You future will try to do other models do?

Han Xu Yu: I think I will try to do all sorts of help girlfriends little dress. I have a girlfriends are getting married, she said, wanted a red Chinese dress, I said, too late this year, next year must be done before the ceremony in time for her set.

Letters: Fall in love with you will not DIY?

Han Xu Yu: Of course, the has been so difficult to do things a successful trial, and I am now very momentum, I feel Fall in love with a hand-made items. I want to try to do the first wedding flowers, bridal bouquets, and even diamond paste to do the "luxury" high-heeled shoes, special to the bride to do.

Trendy Cheap Beach Wedding Dress

Looking worried, whats the matter. Its time to be happy and gay but there is worry writ large on your face. Probably it is the budget that is worrying you. Dont lose heart because you have to buy cheap beach wedding dress. Buying a doesnt mean that you will not look trendy or you will not look gorgeous on your wedding day. Everything depends on your imagination, creativity and the vital factor that how resourceful are you? So brush aside all the melancholy and start preparing for your special day with full vigor and enthusiasm. Get up and plan the whole thing in such a way that in years to come the memory will always give you joy and solace.

Use your resources. If you have a friend or a relative who wore a gorgeous beach wedding dress, go and borrow it from her. Wear it on your wedding day and later on dry clean it and return it back. That will be cheap. But wait; you may feel hesitant and uncomfortable if you go to borrow your

. Dont panic or lose heart. Always remember that there is a solution for all the problems under the sun. You are not alone. There are many brides in this world who face the same problem. What is the solution? The best solution is to rent the dress from the store where this facility is available. By taking the dress on rent you will be at an advantage. Give it a thought; you wear the dress only once so why spend lots of money on it. Secondly you will save time and the maintenance cost. You can also get cheap beach wedding dress of recent style at these rental outlets. The only thing you have to do is get it altered and after all the ceremonies are over dry clean it and return it back.

Not satisfied with the above ideas? You have decided that you want to own a beach wedding dress and it should be cheap then the best way out is to get it stitched. As beach weddings are a casual affair you can buy the material of your choice and get it stitched from a seamstress who is an expert in . This way you will be able to own a cheap beach wedding dress which will be totally your creation and a piece by itself. After all you are the bride and you have full right to look stunning, as all the eyes will be focused on you. Do not hesitate to take the right decision and do it fast for if you want the perfect dress which fits beautifully you have to give enough time to the seamstress who can make and then do all the required adjustment to turn out a piece that will be your dream beach wedding dress.

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