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Color plays a very important part when choosing a prom

Blue Prom Dresses

Color plays a very important part when choosing a prom dress. Blue is a classic color that will always be in style. Over the years more and more shades of blue prom dresses have come on the market. This gives you a large variety of blues to choose from when picking a blue prom dress. Many women wear a blue prom dress thinking that the blue will make them feel like Cinderella. Even though that may be the case a blue dress should also be stunning to the eye which means the dress needs to fit the body properly in all areas.

There is also the blue dress myth. Blue is a color that symbolizes honesty, truth, wisdom, and inspiration; it has a calming effect and it is considered to be one of the most profound colors. Over the time it has been extremely appreciated by royalty and it has always been associated with a princess?elegance and beauty.

There is a strong belief that blue has the power of beautifying and transforming a common thing into a special and never-seen-before one. While a black dress may seem too serious and sober, a red one ?a dress for those who want to be in the center of attention, a dress that inspires sexuality, a pink one ?too girlish or a white one ?too bride-like, the blue dress will never fail in being the right one for the prom day. There are, of course, different shades of blue; combine them with countless prom dress models, and there you have an infinite range of blue prom dresses to choose from.

In order to choose the right blue dress you have to take the first step by yourself. Prepare months before the prom. Begin looking through fashion magazines and even go looking for the latest models in special shops. It is good for you to know which the latest trends are when it comes to buy the right dress.

When choosing an eye shadow to go with your blue prom dress and don be under the impression that your make-up has to match your dress. The best eye shadow is a color that is opposite your eye color on the color wheel. For instance if you have blue eyes browns and muted colors are perfect for you. If you have green or hazel eyes try using a pale pink or lavender. By choosing the opposite of your eye color it will make your eyes really stand out. If you are really dead set on wearing blue choose the color wisely or you could end up looking like a throw back from the 1980's retro era. Try using a pale shade of blue, no matter what your dress color is this will work well with it. If the shadow has flecks of sparkles in it choose one with smaller flecks or pieces since these will stay in place better and not end up all over your cheeks.

The most common mistake that young women make when adding accessories to their blue prom mature wedding dresses dress is adding accessories in a different shade of blue. There are ways to avoid this such as having your handbag and shoes dyed to the exact shade of your dress. This will eliminate the fact they may not be the same shade. When adding accessories such as necklaces, earrings or bracelets trying adding white or cream pearls for a classic look. You can also add diamonds or silver jewelry for an elegant look. Another great tip is to look at the accessories against the dress in different lighting such as outside, fluorescent lights and regular household lighting. This will give you a better idea of how similar or different the two shades are.

The Sci Fi Wedding Dress No One Will Ever Forget Your Wedding

More and more women are getting hip to one of life most important secrets: Dating the Big Man on Campus only gets you heartache and mediocre bedroom skills ?at best. A good nerd, however, really knows how to treat a lady. Thus the upswing in interest in science fiction-themed weddings: Make your wonderful geek happy on this day, and hel make you happy for the rest of your life.

If youe already a proud nerdette, you probably already have some strong ideas about what you might want in a science fiction wedding dress. For the rest of you, we have some pointers.

First, you must choose your alliance.

One of the most important things to decide is whether youe more of a Star Wars or a Star Trek kind of couple. You can like both, but when the chips are down, almost every nerd has a strong preference.

If youe in the Star Wars camp, youe in girly-girl luck ?Princess Leia wears some stunning dresses, and tends to favor white. The one she wears through most of the original Star Wars (which is, confusingly, the one called Episode IV: A New Hope ?just relax and go with it) is beautifully draped. It has a high neck and princess homecoming dresses extremely demure lines, but is soft and flowing enough to hint intriguingly at her figure. And, yes, you can accessorize with side hair buns and a delicately feminine blaster. If you like to show a little more skin and go with a hairdo that authentic but doesn bring pastries to mind, try Leia dress from the awards ceremony at the end ?it a white and gold goddessy number that would turn heads even if you weren walking down the aisle under rows of crossed lightsabers.

When you bring up Leia-inspired wedding dresses with your groom, don be surprised if he mentions another outfit for your honeymoon: the metal bikini she wears in Return of the Jedi. If you can find one, give it a go ?youl look stunning, and your groom will officially be the Luckiest Dork in the Galaxy.

Padme and Amidala also wear nice gowns that could possibly be wedding dresses, but these appear in The Trilogy of Which We Do Not Speak. If your groom mentions theming your wedding around these later Star Wars installments, you may want to give your relationship some more thought. Unless he suggests you both paint your faces in red and black stripes and go as Sith lords. That would be totally worth it.

If you are a Star Trek couple, you have a huge variety to work with ?both in species and in incarnations of Trek itself. If you go with the original Kirk-and-Spock series, you get to wear a fun mod mini wedding dress with high boots, assuming youe crew. Pile your hair up high and wear an Uhara-style earpiece for extra bonus points. You can also go mod as an original Trek alien babe, or your can also go flowy and ethereal, with hippy-dippy colors. For authenticity, expose an odd bit of your body ?for example, a cutout above (but not revealing) your navel, and consider dyeing your skin green.

If you decide to go Next Generation, alfred angelo maternity bridesmaid dresses Voyager, or Deep Space Nine, your options multiply faster than an armful of Tribbles. Uniforms for female crew members are a little more demure in these Trek incarnations, but wearing your Starfleet Formal Dress Uniform is certainly appropriate for such an occasion.

There are other human wedding dresses worn during the various series, but as long as plus size wholesale dresses youe come this far, why not go alien?

Though Vulcans are cool, we strongly advise against a Vulcan wedding due to the unfortunate symbolism; Vulcans don feel emotions and only have sex once every seven years. Save Vulcan Fun Time for volatile family dinners or the workplace.

And really, if youe going to go with a Star Trek alien wedding, go Klingon or go home. You can get away with lots of Klingon wedding dress styles ranging from sexy vixen to neck-snapping warrior. If youe ever fantasized about wearing a tight leather skirt with metal studs to your wedding, this is the time. You can also get away with a traditional human white wedding dress if you must ?just accessorize it with a prosthetic ridged Klingon forehead and youl be fine. If anyone questions you on your dress, tell them they have insulted your honor and they must apologize or be killed. Theyl shut their yaps. Plus youl probably get an extra-good wedding present.

A Klingon wedding ceremony of course involves a Klingon officiant and Klingon vows. Your heartfelt ceremony will conclude with the moving sentiment oday, you are un-alone. Today your Empire begins.?br />

That touching swell of patriotic Klingon homecoming dresses for 2013 emotion is the only reason your Mom will be crying. Wee sure of it.

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